58 and Never Worked 9-5
I am not old school. In fact, I may be old-fashioned in some ways. But not old school. The thought of cubicles and grey walls with bright overhead lights makes me think of prison.
First, let me list the types of work I have done.
Retail — A Seattle-based company called International News, in a hip suburb of Mumbai. Loved this one as it was a party all day and well after work.
Flight attendant — Pan American Airlines and Saudi Arabian Airlines. A lot of travel and the usual excitement of long layovers in foreign countries. But, odd hours — work at 15 minutes notice sometimes. Not 9–5.
Hindi Instructor/Student Liason for a Bible College and Seminary — this one came close to 9–5 but really was around the clock.
Realtor – Not really my cup of tea — but not 9–5.
Language and Culture consultant with the United States Department of Defense — my favorite work. Got to fly to bases, meet some very skilled special ops forces and government personnel for instance. And hung out with unparalleled peers.
ESOL teacher and curriculum developer for a County Public School — another favorite. I love my students. Fresh in the country — eager to try out life. And, I believe they deserve many chances.
Currently doing the last two, plus now publishing books and coaching others to publish books.
Boomer Not Boomer
So yes, I am sort of a Boomer, not really Gen X but one of the 1% that believes in thinking outside the box when it comes to working.
People thought and still think I am crazy. But oddly enough, I love the Millenials and Gen Z (my kid is one) because I identify with them.
Gains vs Losses
I believe, at different stages of my life, I was interested in doing different things. I went ahead and did those things. I believe I gained more than lost.
The experience I gained was better than any master’s degree.
The people I met are incredible — still.
And the skills I picked up are invaluable and make up the total composite of who I am and what I bring to the table today.
My advice to you. Go ahead and do it all. Make those mistakes. Shelve the shitty jobs. Thrive in the work you like.
What do you think? What would you want to tell your kids one day? Write a comment to let me know.
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