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Smart People Hire Smarter People

Success involves being around people smarter than you

I have a saying that I got from somewhere. Probably in some article during my 58 years of reading. Ok maybe 35 years of real reading, and interaction, have created this philosophy.

The philosophy is:

If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room.

Finding smart people takes practice and lots of trial and error. You may meet the academically smart. Or the street smart. It is rare that you find both.

A friend and mentor told me this some years ago — “Move to a big city. You will be rubbing shoulders with the brightest and the best. You will learn a lot.”

I agree. Although I still live in a relatively small city compared to the one I grew up in. But, I am lucky to work remotely on teams located around the world sometimes. Well-traveled, academically and street smart teams. Sort of like James Bond.

Pick people smarter than you

Speaking of James Bond, the Navy Seals I have had the privilege of teaching my second language and culture are among some of the smartest people in the world.

And they are also the most eager to learn.

I know someone who started his career in bakery sales in a small town in Maine and built a mega empire that spanned 150 countries.

His philosophy? Hire people smarter than you.

He did move to a bigger city to do that.

A good friend who is a successful businesswoman told me recently, to move to a city where your kids thrive.

That is food for thought.

I love receiving guidance from my network.

Diverse friends bring in cultural competence

It is wonderful to have a diverse network of friends.

Hanging out with foreign-born people helps acquire cultural competence.

But how comfortable are you being around people with diverse thoughts? Telling you how it is done?

To be able to have an intelligent conversation without arguing or canceling someone is an art form.

Watch this amazing podcast with Russel Brand and Ben Shapiro to learn more. Two different viewpoints but a great conversation.

How comfortable are you with someone in your field knowing more than you? And showing you how it is done.

Does it rattle you?

Understanding that you do not know everything also brings peace. For others around you.

Being an eager lifelong learner is also key to longevity and relevance. Especially with the younger generations, you come across.

Current hiring practices

So, back to hanging around smarter people. Organizations are increasingly using better hiring practices.

Recently a beauty brand hired a teenager who knew how to make TikTok videos and utilized their knowledge, expertise, and ability to reach their peers.

Also, look at how many influencers are now brand consultants — why?

Because CEOs of these companies have no time to learn the intricacies of Instagram algorithms. They just hire the ones that do.

I might say that sentimentality aside, hang out with friends who are smarter than you too.

Now, don’t discard your other friends. But seek out those who have mastered their craft or are well-read.

What do you think about this philosophy? Is it too calculating? Comment and let us know.

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