a woman and a girl coloring a book

How to Teach Language Via Coloring Books

Workbooks are the best way to teach and facilitate a response from your student.

A workbook teaches and provides a response so you can gauge how much your student has grasped. 

Hindi Vocabulary Coloring Book
Hindi Vocabulary Book by Thinkologie

Take Advantage of Visuals

Use Visuals when creating your lessons. This helps in learning a new language.

But when creating a children’s coloring book it is essential to think about what skills you want your readers to pick up.

Use Target Language Script

Language skills – teach the target language vocabulary. The target language – which is the language you are trying to teach should be in the original script. Not in English. Unless it is English you are trying to teach.

For example, this coloring book teaches animal kingdom-related vocabulary – the target language is Chinese. So, the script is in Chinese. Notice that the guide to pronunciation is in English.

Use large illustrations

Motor skills – create large illustrations. Large, visuals help little fingers learn essential motor skills. Don’t overcrowd the page with additional visuals. Focus on the word you are trying to teach with its accompanying visuals.

Teach the Alphabet through images

Kill two birds with one stone by teaching the alphabet as well. Group the pictures in alphabetical order, as we did in this book.

Keep it simple

Keep the designs cohesive and simple. In this book teaching shapes – all the designs are simple, large and the same. Straight lines, no extra frills on the lines. 

Russian Vocabulary Coloring Book
Russian Vocabulary Coloring Book by Thinkologie

If teaching about scary stuff, try to lighten the visual with friendly graphics, as shown here.

Workbooks can be used to encourage independent activity in the classroom. After you teach vocabulary by modeling it, leave the child alone to color and practice motor skills.

Our workbooks are designed with the language learner in mind. Follow our blog at www.thinkologie.co to learn more tips about how to teach language and cross-culture. 

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