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crowd dancing beside a man in black jacket playing the dj mixer

How to Attend a Metaverse Party

I always wondered what the Metaverse was about! As usual with my generation I had plenty of reservations. But, I decided to check it out. And so today I got to watch a metaverse party in action.

It was like watching a kids game in a way. A video game. Something that my generation did not grow up with. As with anything new, tread with caution.

This particular party was invitation only. But I had the privilege of watching it on my computer. Why? And how?

Our company, Amaris Consultant LLC which is Thinkologie parent company has a design division called Amaris Studio.

Amaris Studio, was the one was invited to the Metaverse party. This party was held by their client Valde Beauty. This company is owned by a beauty industry veteran, Margarita Arriagata. She is a gentle but fierce go getter. Starting her company making luxury brand lipsticks in the middle of the pandemic. It takes guts to do so. And vision!

Valde held the launch party for their NFT collection, becoming the first beauty company to launch an NFT collective. The collective is their Crystal Armor Collection.

Amaris Studio creates content for Valde Beauty’s social media, hence the invitation.

Everyone at the party was in avatar form. People had to create their own avatar and dress it in the clothes of their choice for the party. Sorta like our version of the paper dolls we had growing up.

Then you could enter the Decentraland – I guess that is the name for the playing field so to say.

I watched Amaris Studio walk down the streets to the metaverse gallery where the party was being held.

There was a DJ present on a large screen. And the avatars danced to the music…albeit involuntarily. They could also explore the gallery and see the other products that were on offer.

The owner of the brand introduced and launched her wonderful beauty product – a line of refillable lipsticks in gorgeous casing called ‘Armor’. Each lipstick has a name that is reflective of qualities of people who overcome what life throws at them.

I am totally inspired by people like her who decided to jump into the metaverse – the first beauty brand of its kind to do so.

Yes, this experience was not as scary as I thought it would be. The Metaverse is another step in tech. But like all tech if used with caution it can be a beneficial experience. Who knows, I may even launch a product in this type of fashion!

Check out the metaverse party below! Also peruse through the Valde Collection and NFT Collective.

Watch the Party Here

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